By: Dr. Terri Cecchine

Pacheco, F., Cerda, R., Segura, G., Cecchine, T., Mireles-Rios, R. (2018). Latino Students Perceptions of Racial Socialization Messages from Parents. Society for Research on Adolescence (SRA). Minneapolis, MN
Cecchine, T. (2014). Cross-cultural education and Chickering’ s Theory of Identity Development in an International Context of Student Development. Hawaiian International Conference on Education. Honolulu Hawaii.
Cecchine, T. (2020). Female Wrestlers: Grappling the Headlocks of Oppression. International Conference on Sport and Society. University of Granada, Spain.

Research Articles
Check out the background information concerning women in wrestling, and in male dominated roles. Many of these were used in my dissertation.
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